Alnmothj Contracting Company Limited. as it is now widely known, was established in 2020. We are HVAC and EPC a successful attempt to its highly valued clients in the kingdom.
Currently, Alnmothj Contracting Company Limited. is a leading global organization which competes in the Local HVAC market encompassing the Ethos and principles that characterize it. With these in hand, Alnmothj Contracting Company Limited. looks forward to its continued commitment to future excellence, further growth and evolution through more complex and challenging projects and its expansion into new geographies.
Alnmothj Contracting Company Limited. strengths are the collective capabilities to enable its holistic view across all industries, its expertise in conceiving new businesses and its depth of management talent to run them. We will leverage those capabilities to identify Potential Growth Sources, nurture them into Growth Drivers and ultimately establish them as next-generation Core Businesses. The Company has always adopted a policy of transparency, integrity and strict adherence to the rules of governance and all related laws and regulations.
Alnmothj Contracting Company Limited., we have always found excitement in challenge. As you browse through this website, you will get a sense of the passion, expertise, reliability, and innovative nature that we bring to our mission. Alnmothj Contracting Company Limited. will work hard to develop new EPC’s technologies and products in order to further enhance the safety, quality and convenience of our product services and to enhance our future competitiveness.
We thank you for your support and look forward to working together for an even brighter future.
Thanks & regards.
Abdullah Salem Al Raboa